Friday, March 13, 2015

Shariah: The Threat to America, Part Five

[Author’s note:  With the move by the Council on American Islamic Relations, Texas Chapter, to establish a Shariah Tribunal in Dallas it is time to raise awareness of this unconstitutional and seditious project and other treasonous actions by the Muslim Brotherhood inside the United States.  In the course of several postings I will make clear to you the nature of Islam and the realities of shariah.  Most importantly you will come to clearly understand why shariah is completely incompatible with Western values and traditions of freedom.  Islam and shariah are totally inconsistent with the United States Constitution and that is my inspiration for making the Muslim’s not-so-secret war on the West known to you.  I do this in the hopes of alerting all non-Muslims to the onerous and dangerous threat in our midst.  In the course of my postings you will come to understand the fundamental tenets of the Muslim “religion”, its totalitarian aspirations, their deceptive tactics for infiltrating Western institutions, and the need for all non-Muslims to awake and take action against an insidious and evil enemy in our midst.

Most of the information I will convey will be drawn from an excellent study published by the Center for Security Policy entitled SHARIAH:  The Threat to America.  I encourage you to read the book and it is available as a free download at; click on “About the Book” and download it in pdf format.  Other sources will be cited within the postings.]

PART FIVE:  Islam’s international threat, the unconstitutional nature of Islam, US leadership failures, and a view toward solutions

I have named many of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the United States.  I’ve mentioned the overt violence by Hamas and Hezbollah and their growing presence in many countries in Central and South America.  Their subversive tactics In the employment of stealth jihad within a nation is one thing but the threat of international stealth jihad is being entirely overlooked by the press and most politicians (yours and mine).

The international threat stems from the Organization of the Islamic Conference or OIC. It is second in size only to the United Nations and consists of 56 Muslim countries plus “Palestine”.  The OIC purports to represent the entire Islamic world and represents itself as the Ummah (the collective of all those who worship Allah, follow Mohammed and revere the Koran).  The documentary Silent Conquest clearly portrays how the OIC actively seeks to further the transnational ambitions of the Muslim Brotherhood and silence all opposition to sharia law or Islam.  Therefore, it is imperative to track OIC activities for, if the Caliphate is ever reestablished, it will most probably grow out of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

The obligation to enforce sharia law globally is central to the OIC mission and to its concept of unifying the Ummah.  In its Ten-Year Program of Action to Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century conference in 2005 Article VII calls for “deterrent punishments” to be imposed by all states, not just Muslim states, against critics of Islam.

The OIC is dedicated to opposing western traditions of liberty, freedom, and human rights since those traditions assert the rights of the individual rather than the submission of the individual to sharia.  The OIC provides an intellectual justification for terrorism that exempts jihad outright.  Individual destructive acts are not seen as terrorism.  This was used by the Muslim Brotherhood with success as their influence operations in Washington DC led to the policy framework for the US Department of Defense’s refusal to define the murder of thirteen people by Major Nidal Hasan as an act of jihad or terrorism in 2010.  The terrorist act was defined instead as an individual destructive act, in full compliance with OIC publications on terrorism.  Seen from another angle, the Department of Defense submitted to sharia.

I have discussed the incompatibility between the US Constitution and sharia law (aka, Islam).  The Constitution was crafted by men and it is based on an individual’s right to God-given freedoms.  It is the individual as part of We the People that retains most power while endowing government with just enough to serve its citizens.  Sharia cannot tolerate freedom and seeks to make each individual to submit to sharia.  Everything concerning and individual’s life is then fully regimented by the 6th century religious fabrication.  Once sharia is known and understood its foul nature is quickly grasped and its abuses clearly seen.

Many in the United States would think that we are being attacked by Muslims waging jihad for the first time.  This is not the case:

In 1876, Thomas Jefferson, ambassador to France, and John Adams, ambassador to England, met with the emissary of the Islamic potentates of Tripoli to Britain, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, regarding the demands for tribute being made at the time by the so-called Barbary Pirates.

After this meeting Jefferson and Adams sent a report to Congress.  The most relevant portion follows:  We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation….The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [author note:  from the Persian musulman, meaning Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

After this, Jefferson purchased and read the Koran in order to know his enemy.  That knowledge of his adversary led to his doctrine of “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute”.  Jefferson understood his obligation to be educated on the factual aspects of the principles, doctrines, objectives, jurisprudence and theology of sharia that comprised his enemy’s threat doctrine.  Bluntly, our enemy are all Muslims that submit to sharia and sharia commands jihad and jihad is life threatening to all non-Muslims or kafirs.  John Adams later wrote about the threat of Islam and stated, “As the essential principle of [Mohammed’s] faith is the subjugation of others by the sword; it is only by force, that his false doctrines can be dispelled, and his power annihilated.”  Christians teach love and Muslims submit to hate.

Because of the availability of relevant material on sharia law (see it is inexcusable that those in our government charged with our protection to be ignorant of the Islamic threat in our midst and around the world.

How are we vulnerable to a threat masquerading as a religion?

Truth as supported by facts, history and logic has been vanquished by “politically correct” efforts to impose on us and our elected leaders an understanding of Islam that hides the centrality of sharia, jihad, and Islamic supremacism.  This leaves us exposed and forced to rely on our individual efforts to defend ourselves against Muslim attacks that are no longer an IF but rather a WHEN.  Our leaders in politics, intelligence and law enforcement ignorantly listen to the sweet lies of the Muslim Brotherhood agents and urge us all to remain calm, that no threat exists in our nation.  We must keep something uppermost in our minds, if our leaders are not ignorant then they are seditious and supporting an enemy that is waging jihad on us each and every day.

Each culture has the right to be proud of its traditions.  Most cultures are worth learning about and often have great sources of knowledge.  When I visit a foreign country I look forward to experiencing the differences; personally, I detest running into an American fast food operation outside the US.  Multi-culturalism within one country is impossible, in my opinion, without a common element and language to unite its citizenry.  Historically this was achieved in the US through language and allegiance to the Constitution.  Today few are conversant with our founding principles and documents.  More illegal immigrants want the benefits of the US while retaining allegiance to another nation and its culture.  Then we have the dangerous Muslims within who submit to sharia and thereby hold no allegiance to the US Constitution or its laws.

The West is the source of the liberating ideas of individual liberty, political democracy, the rule of man-made law, human rights and cultural freedom.  It is the West that has raised the status of women, fought against slavery and defended freedom of inquiry, expression and conscience.  Islam or sharia does not champion any of these traditions.  Sharia supports slavery and barbarity.  When seen through the lenses of Western values, Islam is at once exposed as a fake and man-made “religion” that in reality is a political-military totalitarian system.

Part Six will cover the need to get rid of multi-culturalism, the need to speak clearly (politically incorrectly) about sharia and its threat.  We must consider the need to forbid Muslim immigration while outlawing any practice of sharia within our national borders.  After all, Saudi Arabia does not allow for the expression of any other faith within its borders.  Why is Saudi Arabia so intent on building mosques and Islamic schools in the West?  Why does Saudi Arabia support the Muslim Brotherhood?  The irony is palpable; the hypocrisy is odious; the purpose is seditious.

Strength and Honor


Friday, February 27, 2015

Shariah: The Threat to America, Part Four

Photo thanks to Shutterstock

[Author’s note:  With the move by the Council on American Islamic Relations, Texas Chapter, to establish a Shariah Tribunal in Dallas it is time to raise awareness of this unconstitutional and seditious project and other treasonous actions by the Muslim Brotherhood inside the United States.  In the course of several postings I will make clear to you the nature of Islam and the realities of shariah.  Most importantly you will come to clearly understand why shariah is completely incompatible with Western values and traditions of freedom.  Islam and shariah are totally inconsistent with the United States Constitution and that is my inspiration for making the Muslim’s not-so-secret war on the West known to you.  I do this in the hopes of alerting all non-Muslims to the onerous and dangerous threat in our midst.  In the course of my postings you will come to understand the fundamental tenets of the Muslim “religion”, its totalitarian aspirations, their deceptive tactics for infiltrating Western institutions, and the need for all non-Muslims to awake and take action against an insidious and evil enemy in our midst.

Most of the information I will convey will be drawn from an excellent study published by the Center for Security Policy entitled SHARIAH:  The Threat to America.  I encourage you to read the book and it is available as a free download at; click on “About the Book” and download it in pdf format.  Other sources will be cited within the postings.]


Part Four:  The non-Muslim and jihad, implementing jihad in America, and the Muslim enemy

This part begins to detail how the Muslim Brotherhood implements jihad here in the United States (and elsewhere in the West).  It should clearly help you appreciate the existential threat we face right now, the proximity of violent jihad inside our borders, and the key players who practice sedition openly while our government officials do little or nothing.  Let’s start with how they see you and me, the non-Muslim or kafir.

In his book entitled Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, Dr. Bill Warner explains, “The word “non-Muslim” is used in the translation of Sharia law, but the actual Arabic word used is “kafir”.  But the word Kafir means far more than non-Muslim.  The original meaning of the word was “concealer”, one who conceals the truth of Islam”.  Dr. Warner goes on to explain:  “Religious Islam is what Muslims do to go to Paradise and avoid Hell.  What Mohammed did to Kafirs was not religious, but political.  Political Islam is what is of concern to Kafirs, not the religion.  Who cares how a Muslim worships, but every one of us is concerned as to what they do to us and say about us.  Political Islam should be of concern to every Kafir.  Truer words have not been stated.

Muslims who practice sharia accept the Allah is the only god and that Mohammed is its prophet.  Therefore, all of this world belongs to Allah and must submit to Islam.  Following the example of Mohammed’s life, kafirs must be made to convert, subdued to third-class citizen status while paying a heavy tax (dhimmi status), made a slave or beheaded.  Only the most cowardly or intellectually blind will avoid taking Muslims at their word.  Devout Muslims are accurately and truthfully stating what sharia commands of them.


Some of their thoughts on jihad:  Who and Why.

1.  According to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan for North America, An Explanatory Memorandum:  On the General Strategic Goal for the Group:  “The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means.  The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” [Emphasis is the author’s]

2.  Koran 2:216:  You are commanded to fight although you dislike it.  You may hate something that is good for you, and love something that is bad for you.  Allah knows and you do not.”  [Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, p. 21]

3.  Bukhari 4, 52, 96:  Anyone who arms a jihadist is rewarded just as a fighter would be; anyone who gives proper care to a holy warrior’s dependents is rewarded just as a fighter would be.” [Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, p. 22]


Muslim Brotherhood’s Implementation of Sharia


The most important techniques for sedition include:

·         Expanding the Muslim presence by birth rate, immigration, and refusal to assimilate

·         Occupying and expanding domination of physical spaces

·         Ensuring the “Muslim community” knows and follows Muslim Brotherhood doctrine

·         Controlling the language we use in describing the enemy (i.e., kafirs describing Islam)

·         Ensuring we do not study their doctrine (sharia)

·         Co-opting key leadership

·         Forcing compliance with sharia at local levels

·         Fighting all counter-terrorism efforts

·         Subverting religious organizations

·         Employing lawfare – the offensive use of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits

·         Claiming victimization/demanding accommodations

·         Condemning “slander” against Islam

·         Subverting the U.S. education system, in particular, infiltrating and dominating U.S. Middle East and religious studies programs

·         Demanding the right to practice sharia in segregated Muslim enclaves (more on this later)

·         Demanding recognition of sharia in non-Muslim spheres

·         Confronting and denouncing Western society, laws, and traditions

·         Demanding that sharia replace Western law


All of the actions above entail influencing and neutralizing the American government at all levels.  Too many in government have no way of recognizing this Muslim sedition without a grasp of the truth behind Islam, not the false image presented by enemy front groups like CAIR.

Most Muslim organizations in North America are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood or a derivative group such as Hamas.  If an individual is the president, vice president, executive director, general secretary, board member or otherwise carries a significant leadership title within a Muslim organization controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood (particularly if he is responsible for the group’s financial affairs, or sits on the Fiqh Council of North America) – he is a Muslim Brother.

Females have been utilized more often of late as “leaders” in several of these organizations (notably, the Muslim Students Association and the Islamic Society of North America) in order to project a softer image for these hostile organizations.  This is particularly useful in confusing non-Muslims insofar as it would appear that women are treated equally to men and that such groups could not possibly support sharia’s misogynistic practices.  The truth is that these women play the role of leader but have no leadership authority.  They do what a Muslim Brother tells them to do.

More recent organizations with young men and women at the helm are often not a front group, technically that is.  They are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood through access to Muslim Brotherhood annual conferences (such as the annual ISNA conclaves) and access to financial support.  They observe the policy and doctrinal parameters of the Muslim Brotherhood and therefore become de facto front group accomplices.  A reminder:  Since 1973, Saudi Arabia created an important new enabler of Muslim Brotherhood operations in the United States and domination of American Muslim communities:  the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).  NAIT controls approximately 80% of the titles and deeds to the mosques, Islamic organizations and Islamic schools in the United States.  Typically, this support included Saudi-trained and appointed imams, textbooks for the madrassas, jihadist literature and videos for the bookstore, paid hajj pilgrimages (the obligatory trip to Mecca) and, in some cases, training for jihad.


Some Who’s Who in the Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Students Association (MSA)

·         Formed in 1963 at the University of Chicago in Urbana, now in many universities

·         The MSA’s own website previously noted that all major Muslim organizations in America grew out of the MSA (references have been removed – why?)

·         Promotes a sharia-based Islamic agenda dedicated to spreading Islam among North American youth by way of an aggressive dawa program (i.e., conversion to Islam)

·         MSA leaders have made statements condemning the United States and calling for the killing of Jews

·         MSA members routinely express admiration and support for terror organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah

·         MSA chapters are focal points for efforts to impose sharia blasphemy rules or otherwise control speech (i.e., speech that criticizes or exposes the true nature of Islam and its objectives)

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

·         Formed in 1980 to be the nucleus for the Islamic movement in North America

·         ISNA is the largest of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Front Group in the U.S. and Canada

·         Consists of over 300 community and professional organizations with substantial resources and aggressive influence operations

·         Accorded significant stature as the U.S. government’s leading “educational” and “outreach” partner in the Muslim-American community

·         ISNA, during the 2008 Holy Land Foundation Trial, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator along with the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and antagonistic to U.S. interests

·         As late as 2010 still providing “education”, “outreach” and “advice” to the federal government agencies

North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)

·         Created by Saudi Arabia in 1973, it is often called “the bank” for the Muslim Brotherhood

·         Holds titles/deeds to mosques, Islamic centers, schools and other real estate to safeguard and pool the assets of the American Muslim community (also provides imams, textbooks, etc)

·         Saudi Arabia through NAIT promotes Wahhabi doctrine that declares the United States as the Great Satan, an enemy to be destroyed (and you thought Saudi Arabia was our friend?)

Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)

·         Created in 1994 by the leadership of Hamas, a terrorist organization and subset of the Muslim Brotherhood

·         The founders of CAIR were Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad; both also senior leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine

·         It was not until 2008 (Holy Land Foundation Trial) that the FBI formally cut off all official relations with CAIR which had conducted sensitive training for Bureau agents

·         It is the central propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and often acts as the “Muslim community” media representative in the mainstream media

Muslim American Society (MAS)

·         Formed in June of 1973 in Chicago, the founding directors are three of the most prominent Muslim Brothers in the world (i.e., Omar Soubani, Jamal Badawi and Ahmad Elkadi)

·         MAS merged with the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in 2000

·         MAS was founded as the overt political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America

·         It is known for its alliances with far left groups such as International ANSWER, a North Korea affiliated organization

·         The MAS Freedom Foundation is a vehicle for engaging in lobbying activities and trying to influence elections in the United States and Canada

Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

·         Formed in 1986 as the PAC (political action committee) for the Islamic Center of Southern California, one of the largest Wahhabi mosques in America

·         In 1988 the PAC separated and became the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

·         Senior members of MPAC are senior Muslim Brotherhood terrorists yet some in our federal government consider them moderates

·         MPAC is an aggressive propaganda arm for the Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwan, contributing through taqiyya (purposeful lying) and disinformation to the Muslim Brotherhood’s efforts at information dominance in the United States

·         One of its main tenets is to create the illusion that sharia is in compliance with the US Constitution (in an 2010 Huffington Post interview, the MPAC President stated that child marriages and the stoning of women is not sharia (but it very much is sharia)

Jamaat Ul-Fuqra or Muslims of America or International Quranic Open University

·         Has exhibited no hesitation about turning to violence

·         Operates as many as 30 rural compound across the US and Canada (most near strategic targets)

·         Founded by Pakistani Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, Brooklyn, 1980

·         The only American born member of the cell responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Clement Rodney Hampton-El was a JUF member

·         The isolated rural compounds are used to live communally, practicing their faith and to insulate themselves from Western culture

·         The rural compounds are also used, in the words of Gilani, to train for jihad

·         Because of the several names the US State Department appears incapable of properly listing them as a terrorist organization (hence in the absence of a criminal act the police and the FBI have their hand tied)

·         Gilani’s book, Mohammedian Revelations, states “…that the mission of this Jamaat ul-Fuqra is to lead Muslims to their final victory over Communists, Zionists, Hindus (and) deviators (so much for the Progressive Left that support the Muslim Brotherhood)

·         An informative 2009 documentary provides more chilling detail, Homegrown Jihad (hint:  recruits come from gangs and prisons)


As of 2010, examples of Muslim Brotherhood progress:

·         Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community have been targeted to:  blunt investigative efforts; keep homeland defenders and military personnel from being educated on the true nature of sharia, jihad and the Muslim Brotherhood; and ensure the Muslim Brotherhood is the only Muslim entity from which the US government seeks advice on Islamic matters.

·         The Department of Education and school boards across America have been penetrated for the purpose of encouraging submission to sharia in textbooks and pedagogy.  The purpose is to soften the brutal history of Islam and how it is taught to American students.  Middle East Studies and “interfaith” programs at several leading universities have each received $20 million dollars from a prominent Saudi prince.

·         Many well-meaning leaders of other faiths and their churches and synagogues have been penetrated and compromised through Muslim Brotherhood influence operations under the guise of “interfaith dialogue”.  Many religious non-Muslim leaders unwittingly or otherwise become vocal apologists and provide political cover for the seditious actions by the Muslim Brotherhood and its accomplices.
·         The financial community (e.g., AIG, and several large banks) has been deeply penetrated via the promotion of sharia-compliant finance into Wall Street, with encouragement from the US government.

You can now appreciate the need to reach out and educate/make aware those around you.  You should be able to convey the threat in our midst.  The Muslim Brotherhood employs the classic strategy and tactics of an insurgency employing all the tenets and tactics of political warfare.  Unfortunately, Western nations’ political leaders like those in the  United States have no understanding of political warfare (the marshalling of attacks against all societal/cultural nodes).  The exception in the United States can be found in Special Forces yet they are frustrated by the ignorance displayed by junior and senior commanders in the conventional force structure.  Our leaders’ problem (military, intelligence and civilian):  They don’t have any idea that we are in a war, that we’ve been under attack within our borders for decades, and that the enemy, for the moment, has the upper hand.

The nature of America’s open, tolerant society greatly increases the danger and allows our domestic enemies to operate in the shadows of our complacency.  We do not face a criminal threat; we face a domestic insurgency in our midst.  The FBI must work with the intelligence community and local law enforcement with the US military and states’ National Guard in reserve.  A counter-insurgency operation is required where the enemy cannot shield himself behind our Constitution’s due process guarantees.  The Muslim Brotherhood is a foreign body in our midst operating with seditious intent.  It’s US citizen supporters, Muslim or not, are complicit in sedition and aiding the enemy.

In the meantime we can call out Islam for what it really is and support/create efforts that call for the reformation of Islam.  This reformation must separate mosque and state, and delete all aspects of political Islam from the sharia.  All this, of course, is apostasy to a practicing Muslim.  As garlic or a silver crucifix makes Count Dracula cringe and crawl away, so too might such a reform movement represent the radiation needed to rid ourselves of the growing Islamic cancer within.


In Part 5 I will expose you to Islam’s international threat, the unconstitutional nature of Islam, US leadership failures, and a view toward solutions


I ask for God’s blessing on all freedom and peace loving people.  I ask that God watch over all Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims who have been oppressed or assassinated in the name of the false and man-made god of Islam.


Strength and Honor,


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Shariah: The Threat to America, Part Three

Thanks to for this image.

[Author’s note:  With the move by the Council on American Islamic Relations, Texas Chapter, to establish a Shariah Tribunal in Dallas it is time to raise awareness of this unconstitutional and seditious project and other treasonous actions by the Muslim Brotherhood inside the United States.  In the course of several postings I will make clear to you the nature of Islam and the realities of shariah.  Most importantly you will come to clearly understand why shariah is completely incompatible with Western values and traditions of freedom.  Islam and shariah are totally inconsistent with the United States Constitution and that is my inspiration for making the Muslim’s not-so-secret war on the West known to you.  I do this in the hopes of alerting all non-Muslims to the onerous and dangerous threat in our midst.  In the course of my postings you will come to understand the fundamental tenets of the Muslim “religion”, its totalitarian aspirations, their deceptive tactics for infiltrating Western institutions, and the need for all non-Muslims to awake and take action against an insidious and evil enemy in our midst.

Most of the information I will convey will be drawn from an excellent study published by the Center for Security Policy entitled SHARIAH:  The Threat to America.  I encourage you to read the book and it is available as a free download at; click on “About the Book” and download it in pdf format.  Other sources will be cited within the postings.]


Part 3:  Muslim Brotherhood in America, their Front Groups, Jihad in their own words and actions

Princeton University, in 1953, hosted a group of “prominent” Muslims for an Islamic Colloquium.  The Ikhwan (i.e., Muslim Brotherhood) delegates were also granted a meeting with President Eisenhower.  One of these delegates named Saeed Ramahdan was described in a declassified CIA report as follows:  “Ramadan seems to be a Fascist, interested in the grouping of individuals for power.  He did not display many ideas except for those of the Brotherhood.”  What they did not understand is that he, as a Muslim, could not deviate from shariah law.  Islam places Muslims in an intellectual straight-jacket.

It is critical to recall that the approved means to achieve stealth jihad objectives in America includes this mandate:  “Make every effort for the establishment of educational, social, economic, and scientific institutions and the establishment of mosques, schools, clinics, shelters, clubs.”  The first such group was formed in 1963 at the University of Illinois in Urbana.  The group was named the Muslim Students Association which now has a presence in many universities across the nation.

The MSA serves as a recruiting vehicle for the Muslim Brotherhood and, in some cases, for violent jihadist organizations.  Out of the MSA came nearly every Muslim organization in America today.  They presented Islam in public as an acceptable alternative to other religions, never mentioning its revolutionary aspects.  In recent years, MSA members have become ever more aggressive in their demands for accommodations and silencing those who oppose them.

The following concepts are critical to our understanding of the seditious plans of the Muslim Brotherhood and all devout Muslims who submit to sharia law.  They attack the West by first seeking accommodations in the areas of diet, prayer, dress, etc….  Westerners of good will have made what they see as accommodations; Muslims see these accommodations as submission to sharia law.  Most importantly, our enemies within (i.e., Muslim Brotherhood and its allies) are using our laws against us and seek to limit free speech in the West.  Muslims want to silence any and all criticism of Islam; in fact they want to ensure they control what information about Islam or sharia we are exposed to.  The establishment of sharia tribunals is another underhanded way they insinuate sharia within our cultures.  Although the Constitution is the supreme law of the land per Article VI, Muslims seek to impose their tribunals under sharia law, a foreign body of law that does not and cannot be subordinated to any other code of law.

What follows is the trailer of a documentary you must watch to properly understand the seminal threat to Western culture and values:  Silent Conquest.



The Ikhwan established numerous trade, social, and professional associations in the 1970s.  However, in 1973, Saudi Arabia created an important new enabler of Muslim Brotherhood operations in the United States and domination of American Muslim communities:  the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).  NAIT controls approximately 80% of the titles and deeds to the mosques, Islamic organizations and Islamic schools in the United States.  Typically, this support included Saudi-trained and appointed imams, textbooks for the madrassas, jihadist literature and videos for the bookstore, paid hajj pilgrimages (the obligatory trip to Mecca) and, in some cases, training for jihad.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) became the umbrella front group under which most other Muslim organizations operate.  It is the largest jihad front group in the United States with local chapters in most communities.  The creation of ISNA led to massive growth of the seditious movement inside the United States.  All of it largely funded by Saudi Arabia and its virulent and fascist brand of sharia – Wahhabism (aka, Salafism or muwahhidism).

Wahhabism, thanks to oil profits, has a global footprint and is widely accepted as the source of global terrorism.  It can be described as fundamentalist or ultraconservative form of sharia but, in effect like the “extreme” views of ISIS, it is closely aligned with and emulates the life of Mohammed.  Therefore, Saudi Arabian Muslims properly submit to sharia law.  Any Muslim that adopts sharia-lite, picking and choosing what to follow in sharia, that Muslim has committed apostasy which is punishable by death.

As we’ve learned in Parts 1 and 2, practicing Muslims must submit to Islam and Islam is sharia law.  They are commanded to conduct jihad whether directly or indirectly.  Most Muslims indirectly support jihad knowingly.  The latter must donate money annually and a minimum of one eighth of all donations must fund jihad operations according to sharia.  Muslims are also instructed to lie to non-believers to protect themselves or Islam.  They cannot be the friend of a non-believer.  Children are taught to hate as a toddler and throughout their life.  Muslims are herded into “communities” where they can be better observed and pressured to conform (submit).  There are Muslims who stray from the totality of sharia and, in the Middle East, those are the Muslims being killed by ISIS.

While much has been reported about the Sunni-Shiite divide one thing must not be overlooked:  both want to subordinate the world to sharia law.  Both want a world caliphate.  Both want the destruction of the Great Satan and all infidels.  Both work together to further operational objectives.  Iran is overtly and covertly working against the West; Saudi Arabia overtly pretends friendship and covertly funds organizations working against us.  Our denial, our naivety, our ignorance or our arrogance will all contribute to our conquest by a primitive and barbaric code put into play by passionately committed followers of sharia.

Any enemy cannot be defeated if they are not known and their strategies appreciated.  Islam’s followers have not kept their real objectives hidden from us in the West.  They properly saw us for who we have become, disconnected from reality and chasing material pleasures.  Wanting a better more enjoyable life is not wrong but casting a blind eye to a mortal enemy is unforgiveable.  For the many who are awakening to the sick reality of the true nature of sharia they face a Saudi-funded onslaught of lawsuits and influence peddling to silence those who would warn others, the Paul Reveres of this day.  Muslims in the United States underestimate the great force that will counter-attack them the moment they are called to active or violent jihad.

In 2013 Geert Wilders unveiled a short film entitled FITNA.  He lives under the strain of death threats issued by imams in the Middle East.  The film “…attempts to demonstrate that the Qur’an [Koran] motivates its followers to hate all who violate Islamic teachings”.  You will not see or hear the words of Mr. Wilders, instead you will see Koranic excerpts calling for violent jihad.  Along with these verses you will see and hear Muslim leaders and followers spouting their venom against the West and its non-believers.  The 17-minute video follows:



In Part 4 I will discuss the Muslim Brotherhood’s phased plan and its implementation.


What follows is a list of the groups found in the Muslim Brotherhood’s own Explanatory Memorandum.  These groups are referred to as “a list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends”.  These are listed but there are many more.

ISNA, Islamic Society of North America

MSA, Muslim Students Association

MCA, Muslim Communities Association

AMSS, Association of Muslim Social Scientists

AMSE, Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers

IMA, Islamic Medical Association

ITC, Islamic Teaching Center

NAIT, North American Islamic Trust

FID, Foundation for International Development

IHC, Islamic Housing Cooperative

ICD, Islamic Centers Division

ATP, American Trust Publications

AVC, Audio-Visual Center

IBS, Islamic Book Service

MBA, Muslim Businessmen Association

MYNA, Muslim Youth of North America

IFC, ISNA Fiqh Committee

IPAC, ISNA Political Awareness Committee

IED, Islamic Education Department

MAYA, Muslim Arab Youth Association

MISG, Malasian Islamic Study Group

IAP, Islamic Association for Palestine

UASR, United Association for Studies and Research

OLF, Occupied Land Fund

MIA, Mercy International Association

ICNA, Islamic Circle of North America

BMI, Baitul Mal Inc

IITI, International Institute for Islamic Thought

IIC, Islamic Information Center


Since 1991 the following can be added as front groups:

CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations  (routinely interviewed on national and local media)

MPAC, Muslim Public Affairs Council

IFMI, Islamic Free Market Institute


“In preparing for armed insurrection, propaganda is the most essential task to be performed.  During the insurrection, propaganda is even more important than fighting.  If we win here, we win everywhere.”  Vo Nguyen Giap, General, Army of North Vietnam

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  Benjamin Franklin, 1759

“Liberty cannot be preserved without the general knowledge among the people.”  John Adams, 1767


The choice is yours.  Which will you choose?  Enslavement by the brutes of Islam or liberty at the hands of our triumph over Islam?

One thing is certain, to do nothing is to give the enemy a certain advantage.  The cowards amongst us will literally lose their heads; as for me, I’ll see the Muslims soundly defeated never to spread their vile and detestable ideology again.

Strength and Honor,
